begitu bangun pagi, as usual, gw lgs baca alkitab.. ciee.. bukan sok rohani, guys.. tp mengawali hari dengan ketemu Tuhan itu buat gw berhikmat dlm ngejalani hari. hehe. hari ni renungan gw tu berasa indaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh banget. beneran lho, gw ampe tersentuh banget bacanya. makanya gw berinisiatif tinggi buat nulis disini. renungannya bahasa inggris dari our daily bread terbitannya RBC ministries. dan renungan buat hari ini, 29 July 2009, diambil dari mazmur 73:21-28. mazmur 73 bisa dibagi dalam 2 bagian, ayat 1-16 untuk pergumulan orang yg takut akan Tuhan, sedangkan ayat 17-28 untuk pengharapan orang yang takut akan Tuhan. jd emang renungan hari ini tentang pengharapan.. and here they are.....
One of my favorite pastimes as a boy was walking the creek behind our home. Those walks were high adventure for me: rocks to skip, birds to watch, dams to build, animal tracks to follow. And if i made it to the mouth of the creek, my dog and i would sit and share lunch while we watched the biplanes land across the lake.
We'd linger as long as we could, but only so long, for my father wanted me home before sunset. The shadows grew long and the hollows got dark fast in the woods. i'd be wishing along the way that i was already home.
Our house sat on a hill behind some trees, but the light was always on until all the family was in. Often my father would be sitting on the back porch, reading the paper, waiting for me. "How did it go?" he would ask. "Pretty good," i'd say. "But it sure is good to be home."
Those memories of walking that creek make me think of another journey - the one i'm making now. It isn't always easy, but i know at the end of it there's a caring Father and my eternal home. i can hardly wait to get there.
I'm expected there. The light is on and my heavenly Father is waiting for me. i suppose He'll ask, just like my father used to, "how did it go?" "pretty good," i'll say. "but it sure is good to be home." --David Roper
hmmm... keren ga si?? waktu gw baca ini pagi2 y rasanya tuh damai banget dan gw ngerasa Tuhan emg lagi datang n' ngomong sm gw pagi ini karena rasanya tuh damai banget. kl menurut kalian ni renungan biasa2 aja si g tw ya.. tp si buat gw pribadi... renungan hari ini super keren abis!!!! dan gw bener2 so much in love with Jesus Christ..
that's it... moga bisa jd berkat buat semuanya.. amiiiiiiinnn.. Gbu all.
One of my favorite pastimes as a boy was walking the creek behind our home. Those walks were high adventure for me: rocks to skip, birds to watch, dams to build, animal tracks to follow. And if i made it to the mouth of the creek, my dog and i would sit and share lunch while we watched the biplanes land across the lake.
We'd linger as long as we could, but only so long, for my father wanted me home before sunset. The shadows grew long and the hollows got dark fast in the woods. i'd be wishing along the way that i was already home.
Our house sat on a hill behind some trees, but the light was always on until all the family was in. Often my father would be sitting on the back porch, reading the paper, waiting for me. "How did it go?" he would ask. "Pretty good," i'd say. "But it sure is good to be home."
Those memories of walking that creek make me think of another journey - the one i'm making now. It isn't always easy, but i know at the end of it there's a caring Father and my eternal home. i can hardly wait to get there.
I'm expected there. The light is on and my heavenly Father is waiting for me. i suppose He'll ask, just like my father used to, "how did it go?" "pretty good," i'll say. "but it sure is good to be home." --David Roper
hmmm... keren ga si?? waktu gw baca ini pagi2 y rasanya tuh damai banget dan gw ngerasa Tuhan emg lagi datang n' ngomong sm gw pagi ini karena rasanya tuh damai banget. kl menurut kalian ni renungan biasa2 aja si g tw ya.. tp si buat gw pribadi... renungan hari ini super keren abis!!!! dan gw bener2 so much in love with Jesus Christ..
that's it... moga bisa jd berkat buat semuanya.. amiiiiiiinnn.. Gbu all.
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