first day in june.. wooww g berasa banget udh setengah taun aja ni 2011. kyknya baru kmrn kita taun baruan. g juga si.. hehe.. lebay. alright, semlm gw baru aja ntn konsernya hillsong united dlm rangka tour album terbaru mereka "AFTERMATH" jujur aja, gw bukan fans beratnya hillsong tapi berhubung hillsong united ini lebih ngerock musiknya, pas banget de jadinya. gw denger lagu mereka diputer di gereja yang "the time has come" dan gw lgs suka. trus konser semlm gimana? IT'S BLOODY AWESOME!!!!!! dari musiknya, perform-nya, lighting, effect musiknya, semuanya dijadiin satu membentuk suatu kesatuan praise and worship yg kereeennn bgt. i can feel the presence of God, the Holy Spirit's joy, and the freedom in worship. they really rocked istora senayan last night.
beberapa penampakan konsernya:penontonnye
stage kosongnya
kenapa konsernya dikasi nama aftermath? aftermath = akibat dr suatu peristiwa. maksudnya, pengenalan kita akan Tuhan Yesus itu memberi aftermath yg baik buat kita. maybe we ruined our own life, made a wrong decision and it totally messed up, but.. if we give it all up to Jesus, totally surrender to His will, bow our knee down, and acknowledge Him in every single way, He can change the aftermath for our own good. menanggung akibat/aftermath karena kesalahan kita itu pasti tapi Tuhan akan memberi kekuatan dan jalan keluar.
i really feel how I am so lucky to have You in my life. just let all the praise goes out to You :)
Jesus we're living for Your Name.We'll never be ashamed of You. Our praise and all we are today.
Take take take it all, Take take take it all ~ Hillsong United - take it all
iyaaa.. mantrabs ya che!!
BalasHapuslaen kali ada konser beginian lagi, jgn lupa ajak2 ya jeung *wink*
_polma cakeup_